Zattoo is growing up …

April 15, 2008 by

… and moving its blog to its own hotshot new website!

So please make sure your feed now points to feed:// to keep up-to-date with all things Zattoo. And here’s your direct path to the blog itself:

The comments function is now open on the new blog site, by the way. We’re looking forward to lots of oohs and aaahs.

Well, alright, we’ll take the other stuff too.

See you again over there … 

The Zattoo website (finally) enters the 21st century

April 15, 2008 by

Yes to all of the below:

* It was impossible to find information on the old website (we thought so too)

* The design was – well, how can one put it nicely – early nineties?

* The channel list was never quite up-to-date (and yes, Wikipedia was tons more reliable in listing our offering)

* And the FAQ section was hell to search through for frustrated people in a hurry

Enough of the self-flagellation. NOW THINGS HAVE CHANGED. We’ve become more structured (very possibly due to the increase in women in the company – hint, hint, male colleagues. And yes, it wouldn’t hurt you to clean up after yourselves in the kitchen), acquired a glossy flashy new century look, complete with interactivity and a cute little TV avatar dude, and  it’s finally possible to see all the channels we carry in every single country we’re live in.  And the whole thing is in all the languages of the countries that we’ve launched in so far. Which made the webteam briefly wonder about whether it was worth the hassle of launching in further countries – but no. The Italians alone would never forgive us.


Kein Aprilscherz: Deutschland von A bis Z

April 1, 2008 by


A ist für ARD, B für Bloomberg und das Bayrische Fernsehen, C für CNN International und Comedy Central, D für DSF und DMAX, und E ist für Eins Extra über Eins Festival bis Eins Plus. F ist für friedlich-vor-dem-PC-fernschauen und France 24, G ist für GIGA, und H steht für den Hessischen Rundfunk. Weiter gehts mit I für Ich-will-fernsehen-wann-ich-will, J für Jeder-kann-Zattoo-schauen und K für KI.KA. L steht für LUXE.TV, M für MTV und alle MDR-Programme und Mein-TV-Konsum-gehört-mir, N für den NDR, O für Ottonormalverbraucher-TV-auf-Zattoo, P für Phoenix und The Poker Channel, Q für Qualitätskanäle, R für RB, S für Vieles, zum Beispiel den SR und die SWR-Programme, aber auch, T für Tele 5, Tier TV und tv.gusto, U für Und-das-ist-noch-nicht-Alles, V für Viva, W für den WDR, X für mir-fällt-gerade-niX-ein, Y für dito, und Z für ZDF.

Nicht schlecht, was?

Zattoo – TV for you.

Zattoo – TGV for You!

March 11, 2008 by


From: Olivier
Subject: ZATTOO Live TV experience in the TGV (high speed train between Brussel and Paris)
Date: February 27, 2008 10:04:21 AM GMT-05:00
To: Team Zattoo


Just to share with you that for the first time I am experiencing ZATTOO Live TV experience in the TGV at 300km/h thanks to internal Wifi access (free for the moment). Quality and stability of the signal is great. Switching time also great\!


The fastest ever use of Zattoo on record was Olivier’s Zattoo experience on the TGV at the end of February. It’s hard to top 300km/h as long as Zattoo is not available on flights. Which makes us wonder if there are any other records out there. Where, for example, is the weirdest place ever you watched Zattoo? What’s your longest ever Zattoo session? Or do you have a personal Zattoo story you’d like to share?

(Here’s mine, to start it off: Zattoo is also a dating agency. My fella read an article on us in the Süddeutsche Zeitung, written by Simon Feldmer, and then contacted us. And things took their course and Simon has my eternal gratitude …)

Schweiz: Badminton Swiss Open live

March 10, 2008 by


Für Freunde des gefederten Balles absolut verfolgenswürdig: das Wilson Badminton Swiss Open ab dieser Woche live auf Zattoo. Das fängt ganz konkret am Dienstag, 11. März, mit den Qualitikationen an, erste Hauptrunde ist dann am Mittwoch, am Donnerstag gehts schon ins Achtelfinale, Freitag ist vorwochenendliche Vorfreude und Viertelfinal, und am Samstag und Sonntag sind schön standesgemäss Halbfinale und Finale zu beschauen. Der Kanal findet sich dann übrigens im Zattoo Player zuoberst auf der Kanalliste.

Tickets zum Halbfinal und Final zu verschenken

Da wir und die Veranstalter des Badminton Swiss Open nicht nur nette, sondern auch grosszügige Leute sind, gibts für die Halbfinal- und Finalspiele Tickets zu verschenken. Lust, in Basel dabeizusein? Dann melde dich bitte mit voller Adresse bis spätestens Mittwoch, 3 Uhr nachmittags, bei Mit etwas Glück erhältst du sogar ein Ticket mit Zutritt zur Lounge inkl. Häppchen und Getränke. First come, first served …

Nachtrag: Die Finals sind auf SF2 zu sehen, da der WSBO uns die Rechte dafür nicht erteilen konnte. 

Belgium: Feeding the News and Car Junkie in You

February 29, 2008 by


Do you really know what’s going on with your money? Are you sure it’s parked in the right place? And how is the company that you’re working for REALLY doing? Find out by watching Bloomberg TV – now available in French on Zattoo. Get the latest in business and financial news, 24 hours a day.

Or are you looking for a new car to spend that money on that you don’t have? Before you make a decision, tune in to AutoMoto TV. AutoMoto TV brings you test reports 24/7, interviews with experts and representatives of the automobile industry, and specials from the world of luxury cars and tuning. It’s ok to dream of that hot toy on wheels before going off to buy the choice of your wife reason.

Finally, if you need a dose of world news in French every now and then, the French version of France 24 (replacing the English version) is now available for you.

Zattoo – TV forever, wherever.

Get the Tech Preview version!

February 13, 2008 by


Warning: not for the faint-at-heart!

You like the whiff of danger and enjoy taking a risk? We’re looking for users who are interested in trying out the new version of the Zattoo player before we roll it out to everybody else out there. There’s no real danger, of course, – this version is guaranteed virus-free and all – but it will presumably be more unstable. On the upside, you get to move at the forefront of IPTV, test new features, and help us improve the player with your feedback. Which we would count on to finetune the release and get it ready for everybody else. 

There’s a fall-back version if it’s all too much for you: you will at any time have the possibility to switch back to the current, stable release and will also continue to receive the chance to update to newer versions of both the general and the tech preview player.

To the download (Click on “download”, login, and then click on “Get the Tech Preview version” at the top of the page.)

Vroom vroom 2

February 7, 2008 by

car2.jpgHappiness sometimes lies in little things: the after-work beer, the sexy, red „not another new pair of shoes, honey!“ sling-backs one has passed on the way to work just one time too many, a box of chocolates. For some people happiness is when the boss notices them, for others it lies in getting through the day below the radar screen.

For car fetishists and other lovers of the four-wheeled kind Zattoo brings happiness in the form of a car channel devoted to just – well, cars.  AutoMoto TV goes car à gogo 24 hours a day, with test reports on new cars, specials on luxury and tuning models, and interviews with experts and representatives from the auto industry. AutoMoto TV is viewable in English on Zattoo in Denmark and Norway so far, and in the German version in Germany and Switzerland. It will be rolled out to the other Zattoo-ified countries soon.

Zattoo – TV to the people.

Vroom vroom

February 4, 2008 by

car.jpgZum Glück brauchts manchmal nicht viel: Ein Feierabend-Bier, neue Schuhe, eine Schachtel Pralinen. Einige freuen sich, wenn der Chef sie morgens wahrnimmt, andere sind glücklich, wenn sie den Arbeitstag möglichst unbemerkt überstehen.

Um den Liebhabern vierrädriger Schönheiten ein kleines Stückchen Glück zu geben, haben wir einen reinen Auto-TV-Kanal an Land gezogen. Seit heute sendet AutoMoto TV exklusiv auf Zattoo 24-Stunden non-stop Auto à gogo. Vierundzwanzig Stunden im Tag laufen Testberichte zu neuen Autos, Specials zu Luxus- und Tuning-Modellen und Interviews mit Experten und Vertretern der Autoindustrie. Zurzeit ist AutoMoto TV auf deutsch in Deutschland und der Schweiz zu sehen und in englischer Version in Dänemark und Norwegen. Die weiteren Zattoo-isierten Länder werden bald folgen.

Zattoo – TV to the people.

Carla for Nicolas, Zattoo for the rest of France

January 16, 2008 by


„La télé en direct sur PC“ has come to France with a long-legged starter channel line-up. We have France 2, 3, 4 and 5 for you, Direct 8, arte France, TV5 Monde, La Chaine Parlamentaire, and an exquisite choice of international channels for news junkies, luxury bunnies, video addicts, and the ex-pat homesick society. And there are more to come in the future! No Italian channels so far, though …

Enough fun with Carla. Let’s get serious: Go ahead, download now, and start enjoying your favorite channels while cooking the family dinner, discover new programs while downloading music or catch up with the news when you’re stuck for another late night at the office (we won’t tell).*

* We do it too.

Zattoo – We bring the TV to YOU.