Alive and kicking


Red Herring 100 Europe Winner

You might have (rightly) wondered where we’ve all been, since no news appeared here for some time now. I, for one, have been on holiday 😉 But the rest of the Z-Team worked hard and the results are here for you to savor:

  • Zattoo is one of the “Red Herring 100 Europe 2007” companies. While to John and Jane this might not sound like a big deal, industry insiders do value this kind of awards. We’re very happy RH recognized our potential.
  • In Switzerland, we passed the 250’000-user mark. It took us just over six months to zattoo more than 10% of the Swiss broadband population. We know that “past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results”, but we’re confident that we can do well in many more countries.
  • We’re ready to roll in Denmark, where we’ll launch on April 2. If you live there and want to get zattooed right on day 1, make sure you click on “Download Zattoo” on the homepage, and add your email address to the list.

20 Responses to “Alive and kicking”

  1. Video Monte Ceneri » Zattoo in Denmark Says:

    […] [source] The Zattoo in Denmark by Luca Palli, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. […]

  2. lpalli Says:

    250’000 users in a county with 7’500’000 habitants? You are sure on this value?

    If it’s correct, Zattoo has already a big user community!

  3. Francesco (Zattoo) Says:

    @lpalli: Actually 264’687 at last count. And yes, it is a big community indeed, and we’re both proud and happy about it. 🙂

  4. Francesco Says:

    Well I think you should not count duplicate accounts, account which people created and then forgot the password of, unused accounts, etc. I think you should cut a certain percentage from that value.

    That said I think Zattoo will be a breakthrough too, I think competitors, such as mr “J” will never be able to appeal to as many users, unless they change something important along the way of course. Your slow launch anyway makes me wonder about the infrastructure needed by Zattoo, does it require huge server farms in every country in which it operates?
    Or are there legal issues about content distribution behind this?

    ps: will Zattoo be launched in Italy before summer?

    Thanks in advance,


  5. Zattoo in anderen Ländern Says:

    Hallo, ich frage mich wie Zattoo in anderen Ländern funktionieren wird, wenn schon in der Schweiz die Qualität nur so so ist. Viele finden Zattoo eine tolle Sache, keine Frage, aber is jetzt kann aber noch niemand stichhaltig erklären warum es im Vergleich zu anderen Diensten wie Joost oder Babelgum qualitätsmässig doch noch um einiges hinterherhinkt.

    Zattoo hat vor einiger Zeit in einem Interview gesagt dass das Internet eben keine Qualität garantieren kann. Das stimmt zwar, aber warum schaffen es dann Joost und Babelgum praktisch perfekte Bilder auf den Bildschirm zu zaubern, und Zattoo nicht? Die letzte Meile ist es sicher nicht, dxenn bei den meisten Breitbandanschlüssen ist mittlerweile die Bandbreite bei weitem ausreichend. Auch das Argument mit End-zu-End Performance ist nicht wirklich überzeugend, da beispielsweise Joost von viel weiter weg in die Schweiz streamed, während Zattoo ja nur von Zürich aus innerhalb der Schweiz sendet. Es ist also nicht einzusehen, warum es nicht auch Zattoo schaffen sollte. Weiss jemand mehr? Ich vermute die Technologie ist einfach noch nicht so ausgereift wie die der genannten Alternativen.

  6. Mr. Friday Says:

    und ich frage ob zattoo noch in diesem jahr vielleicht endlich mal einen gewinner des t-shirt contests bekannt geben möchte, der eigentlich schon vor 2 monaten vorüber war……..!!

  7. wysel Says:

    i’m using zattoo since the first mac-software-version came out and the quality hasnt improved much. but it’s enough for me, as long as the service is free. the extended line-up of channels is nice, though i hoped that with the launch of zattoo in GB more british channels would become available. that service should have started weeks ago, as the interview in “persönlich” suggested. nothing but announcements, once more, after new channels were months late, the homepage is deserted, the t-shirt contest aborted, i’m getting suspicious and would me disappointed if zattoo would disappear soon… i hope thats not happening!!!

  8. Francesco Says:

    @wysel: No, Zattoo is not disappearing anytime soon. And neither are our plans to announce the winner of the t-shirt contest, open new countries, and launch new channels. Sit tight and stay tuned.

  9. wysel Says:

    Hi Francesco, nice to hear, I will stay tuned, but I’d like to suggest in your interest to increase credebility that there should be some connection to what zattoo is announcing and what zattoo is delivering. I don’t even know whether your available now in Denmark and the UK as promised in the persönlich-Interview. Wouldn’t that mean that there should be scandinavian and british channels added? I reminds me of last year when it took months to add new channels that were promised “within weeks” and then the added channels were different from the ones on the “what’s coming”-page. btw: bbc world has been unaivailable for several days now…

    but thanks again for the quick reply! have a sunny day!

  10. likus Says:

    I sure hope Finland gets zattooed as well some day… Please do! 🙂

  11. claudio Says:

    very cool

  12. Sandra Says:

    mann diese coop werbung nervt ja tierisch. animiert mich nur noch in die migros einkaufen zu gehen!

  13. spooner Says:

    hey leute

    ich würde zattoo auch gern nutzen nur “leider” wohne ich in deutschland…gibt es da trotzdem eine möglichkeit?

    für hilfe wäre ich sehr dankbar

  14. Tom Says:

    I was a bit surprised that in Denmark for instance, there were only 10 channels launched. I live in Belgium and I absolutely want to watch Deutsche Sport Fernsehen (DSF) when Zattoo is released in my country. I therefore very much hope this channel will be in the line-up for Belgium. If not, I would be very disappointed. Why not make all 39 channels available for every country ?

  15. piflnokyd Says:

    While googling around I just read about zattoo for the first time and wondered: When will it be available here in Australia.

  16. JONNY Says:

    when is ZATTOO going to be avaible in italy please answer….thx

  17. KATI Says:


  18. Peter Says:

    I’ve just upgraded to version 2.2.8 beta and
    BBC PRIME has disappeared!
    Help! Heeeelp!
    I’m hooked on it.
    I watch every evening…

  19. Bea Says:

    Peter, I have the same problem. Just missed my serie. Last week was the same problem and than suddenly BBC Prime was back. But at laest, we have now also ITV 1. But BBC Prime must come back!

  20. Trent Launelez Says:

    If your opponent is intense then you better have good skills up your sleeve. Playing from within is an idea that encompasses a number of ideas. The only one suffering when you go on tilt is you.

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