Welcome UK!



Ouch. (Head is pounding after heavy-duty office celebration last night.) Finally made it. UK online. Respectively Zattoo online and open for everybody in the Ukited Ningdom. Meaning United Kingdom. Heavy party. Lots of beer. Beer is good. Too much not.  Message from Zattoo: don’t drink too much beer. Trust us. (Ouch.)

(Moving on.) Now everybody in UK can watch TV on his or her PC. Is very cool. Need to escape mother-in-law droning on in living room? Go watch TV on your PC. Girlfriend watching “(ENTER SOAP OF HER CHOICE)” or ”Pretty Woman”? Or – worse – want to watch “Pretty Woman” yourself but too embarrassed to do so in public? (We won’t tell.) Escape to your PC.  Watch YOUR own stuff. Zattoo now available for download in whole of UK. Check it out now.  Gotta go. Hold head under running water.

Zattoo – We’re still out to conquer the world. One little step at a time. 

A PS on a more serious note:  this is still a beta launch, and we plan to make further channels available in the next release, coming early 2008.

71 Responses to “Welcome UK!”

  1. Grunz Grunz Says:

    Why is there no working version for Vista 64?

  2. Smiling Says:

    Which is the new channel lineup?

  3. marco Says:

    ITALY!!!! ci siamo rotti il c….!

  4. Pete Says:

    Hello i am sitting in Thailand how i can watch Swiss or German TV ?

  5. rothchild Says:

    Nice one Zattoo, the Linux version works like a charm (maybe you should try it Grunz Grunz? ;-)).

    Excellent App and a great service!


  6. rolgui2002 Says:

    Good for UK citizen, But I’m living in Philippines, so far from France and Switzerland. Wish to watch french and french swiss TV,

  7. Stephen S. Says:

    rothchild: Unfortunately not working for me for some time! (Debian lenny/testing) 😦

  8. jeby Says:

    Italy????? ‘-_-

  9. Saibot-Blog Says:

    Austria? coming soon?

  10. win Says:

    italy is 4 month i wait -.-
    i’m bored -.-

  11. frmad Says:

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  12. Arne Willy Polsrød Says:

    Hello can ai see NRK in Thailand

  13. heiner Says:

    Was wird mit den Aufschaltungen von ard, zdf usw. in Deutschland noch vor Weihnachten? Vor Wochen wurde doch allerorten davon berichtet.

  14. Tom Says:

    Glad to see some new channels, i was beginning to think you had forgot about us brits since the starting the pilot back April. Couple of questions now 🙂

    I’m puzzled as to what has happened to BBC One and BBC Two? was there a legal issues that has forced you to remove them for now and these are the channels that will appear in the new year….

    Also while its great to see Al Jazeera why have we been given the Arabic feed?

    Oh and Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays everyone

  15. praxis22 Says:

    Just installed it, and it’s great. Point, click, watch. It’s playing bloomberg at present, high res enough that you can read the scrolling ticker, even at the default size. Really good.

    But please, no vista downloads, “won’t somebody think of the children”

  16. christian Says:

    France and Luxembourg hopes that they’re next…Please

  17. Mike Says:

    Great – worked really well on my Mac, enjoying BBC1 Final Score at home in Switzerland!

  18. ITALY Says:

    I am waiting…….
    Tanks 🙂

  19. QUANDO IN ITALIA?? Says:

    We are waiting,please,we want italian version of zatoo.
    Postate qui le richieste,inondiamoli di lamentele,può darsi si sbrighino prima:-)

  20. massimo Says:

    vogliamo zattoo in italia un altra cosa sarebbe ottimo aggiungere sitcom uno tv ricevibile solo con digitale terrestre

  21. alessandra Says:

    secondo me i messaggi ke mandano gli italiani non vengono neanche letti,altrimenti penso che a quest’ora zattoo sarebbe arrivato anche qui da noi……..dai, fateci il regalo per l’anno nuovo ZATTOO IN ITALYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. LUCA Says:

    When in Italy?

  23. Sarah Says:

    Büddeeeee kommt nach Österreich.

  24. paolo red Says:

    When I can look Zattoo in italy? Thanks

  25. arny Says:

    Heute ist Weihnachten! Zattoo: Wo bleiben ARD und ZDF in Deutschland?
    Das bisherige Spaßprogramm reißt doch wohl niemanden vom Hocker!
    Wieso geht nicht mal n-tv bei Euch?

  26. roland Says:

    Arny, kannste alles vergessen!
    Es wird immer viel geschrieben, angebl. soll Zattoo auch mal bestätigt haben, dass so um die 10 öffentl. Rechtliche dazu kommen. Alles offrnbar Schmarn! Internet-TV wird wohl Geld kosten in der Zukunft, das Zattoo-Konzept, alles frei reinzustellen will wohl keiner. Übrigens macht es wirklich nur Sinn, wenn in dem jeweiligen Land die Sender in der Landessprache angeboten werden, was will ich z.B. mit tve, wenn rtl nicht kommt?

  27. Axel Says:

    Oh Leut’,

    ich bin auch nicht glücklich über das magere Senderangebot bei uns, aber immer nur auf den Zattoo-Leuten rumzuhacken (“Spaßprogramm”, “wo bleibt…”), ist wohl mehr als unberechtigt.

    Wer sich in bisschen in der deutschen Medienlandschaft und mit Medienrecht auskennt, der weiß, wie innovationsfeindlich und konservativ gerade die Öffentlich-Rechtlichen sind. n-tv sendet z.B. NICHT das komplette Programm, sondern aus rechtlichen Gründen nur eine kastrierte Version per Livestream; in der ZDF-Mediathek gibt’s auch nur eine sehr beschränkte Auswahl. Bei der ARD wuselt jeder Sender vor sich hin, und bei der geplanten ARD-Mediathek wird es laut quotenmeter.de aus Rechtsgründen erst einmal KEINE Serien wie “Tatort” oder “Marienhof” geben.

    Allerdings zahlen wir alle schon GEZ-Gebühren, von daher wird Internet-TV heute schon von allen Computerbesitzern in Deutschland bezahlt. Was Zattoo daher machen könnte, wäre einmal eine genauere Erklärung zu liefern, warum man in der Schweiz problemlos mehr Programme als bei uns bekommt, verbunden mit dem aktuellen Stand der Verhandlungen und den entsprechenden Senderadressen und Ansprechpartnern, um von unserer Seite den Damen und Herren Verantwortlichen etwas Feuer unter ihrem Allerwertesten machen zu können…

  28. clarissa Says:

    hey leute, weiss jemand, ob man die sendungen, die man auf zatoo schuat auch speichern kann?? wäre toll…

  29. Will Griffiths Says:

    Could we have BBC World? GREAT news channel!

  30. Anon Says:

    Where Is BBC ONE AND TWO, THE only channels I watched. THAT SUCKS!

  31. Lui Says:

    Vor 1/4 Jahr:
    Die Kanäle der öffentlich-rechtlichen Sender ARD und ZDF sind künftig offenbar auch über den Internet-Fernsehdienst Zattoo empfangbar. Das berichtet der Evangelische Pressedienst (epd) am Freitagmorgen. Den Angaben zufolge wollen die Sender das Angebot des Schweizer Start-up-Unternehmens zunächst testen.

  32. Daniel Taylor Says:

    please zatto, come to us in Italyyyyyyyyy

  33. Daniel Taylor Says:

    Zattoo, did you will arrive in italyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy???

  34. Daniel Taylor Says:

    I want to watch zattoo in italy, I can’t move in Germany or uk for see zattoo, c’mon baby!

  35. Daniel Taylor Says:

    I think Zattoo, is the BEST online tv-player, don’t you?? I want to see zattoo too, but Italy is in your tour?? Please answer me! I NEED YOU ZATTOO

  36. Daniel Taylor Says:


  37. Alessandro Says:

    A present for us….ITALYYYY

  38. ITALY Says:


  39. mark Says:

    After BBC1 and ITV1,here in Switzerland we want BBC2,ITV2 and the other free channels from UK!
    Come on Zattoo team,you know Swiss law allows the broadcast of all free channels available on satellite!
    Other cable/ADSL operators in Switzerland are already broadcasting UK channels since many years now!
    Keep up the good work,hope you’ll soon add these other channels.

  40. andi Says:

    und in Österreich funktioniert es immer noch nicht ..
    das ist langsam echt eine schande!

    Wieso nicht erst alle Deutschsprachigen Länder und dann den Rest?

  41. Lorenz Says:

    Österreich? 😦

  42. Will Griffiths Says:

    I haver noticed the new message from Zattoo that we need a TV licence for it (I do have one) but I read everything on the TVL Site and there was nothing about STREAMING the Beeb and the others. It only includes TV Reception equipment e.g. DSAT receiver, TV, Freeview box, or A DTT card for the computer. Not Streaming.
    Regarding what Mark has said, why has Switzerland got ITV1 and We haven’t. It is our national independant Broadcaster. But No problem to us we can watch ITV1-4 on ITV.com. But If Switzerland can have ITV1 can we please have BBC World? Thanks!

  43. alessandra Says:

    vergogna,almeno siate sinceri e dite che zattoo non arriverà MAI in Italia!Ragazzi non illudetevi tanto prima dell’Italia lo manderanno in Tanzania….

  44. Jordi Says:

    When will I be able to watch the channels from Barcelona in Paris??
    How is it that France is not available yet?

    It would be really great to receive my TV channels while being abroad, and even not only the french ones 😉

  45. zattooItaly Says:

    Zattoo in italia quando????????????’ dai muovetevi please

  46. DarkNike Says:

    Echte Enttäuschung.
    Warte schon seit 4 Monaten auf gescheide Sender und es tut sich überhaupt nichts mehr in Deutschland. Obwohl Zattoo angeblich volle Pulle dabei ist. Nur die Schweiz profitiert.


  47. alessandra Says:

    se come si vocifera zattoo arriva anche in italia perchè non ci hanno ancora mandato l’email per effettuare il download?
    qua invece del pesce d’aprile la bufala ce la mandano già all’inizio dell’anno….a proposito,BUON ANNO A TUTTI,ZATTOONIANI SPERANZOSI!!!

  48. henry Says:

    Nice one Zattoo; receiving the likes of dw-tv and tvp over here is almost impossible. Sky’s customer services helpfully offered only asian channels when I enquired about foreign language programming!

    To be honest I’m a little surprised to see Channel 4 in the Zattoo channel list. Due to Channel 4’s current agreement with Sky, the channel is FTV but not FTA and hence not available via satellite to UK residents without a viewing card. Please explain how you’ve got around this bizarre licensing anomaly.

    What about bbc1, bbc2, tv5?

  49. fifi Says:

    Das neue Jahr ist da! Wo bleiben vollwertige Sender für Deutschland? Oben hat schon mal einer von Spaßprogrammen gesprochen, richtige Wortwahl! Macht doch was aus Eurer Top-Idee! Werbepartner werdet Ihr bestimmt finden, wenn die Sache profesionellen Charakter kriegt!

  50. Nicolas Says:

    Quoi qu’il arrive, la France vous attend toujours, avec beaucoup de patience croyez-moi… Serait-il possible d’avoir des nouvelles des chaînes qui seront prévues dans Zattoo à son lancement? Merci d’avance.
    PS: c’est vrai que peu de français rédigent des messages sur ce blog en français. pourtant, dans mes commentaires précédents, j’avais manqué un argument unique que les suisses, belges et autres francophones ne pourront nier : ne dit-on pas souvent du français que c’est une langue charmante? Même si pour certains ce genre d’avis relève de l’ethnocentrisme, en faut-il plus finalement pour vous convaincre? 😉 Allez je blague, je sais bien que c’est parce que les chaînes françaises ne sont pas tout à fait prêtes pour arriver sur internet, à part les chaînes publiques… @+ et continuez votre formidable travail 🙂

  51. Toby Says:

    Italy please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have been waiting for months and months and nothing has happened so far. Come on, we would make a big party with good Italian wine and food :-))

  52. Christmas was kind to UK Internet TV users - Zatoo and BBC iPlayer updates | last100 Says:

    […] holiday period saw UK Internet TV users being given more viewing options than ever before. Zattoo opened its Beta to the British public and the BBC with its controversial iPlayer – now updated to offer a Flash […]

  53. Norseman Says:

    I thought the Norwegian channel NRK was to be in the line-up. Is it going to be added soon and will it be avaialable in the UK?

  54. italyforever Says:

    Vogliamo Zattoo in Italia ne abbiamo diritto anche noi italiani grazie staff di zattoo!!!

  55. ITALYITALY Says:

    Please we would like seeing zatoo in Italy?It isn’t possible we are the last.

  56. gurumac Says:

    Please, bring Zattoo to Italy, a huge amount of people would be glad to embrace ZATTOO! Thanks…don´t waste time…the others are not sleeping! thx

  57. Helen Says:

    @all: back from the hols and ready to answer a lot of questions … 😉

    @Germans: we are going to get you more channels, that’s for sure. We just don’t know yet when exactly that will be, because it doesn’t just depend on us. But we’re confident (and this is no PR-ese here, although it may sound like it) that things will move forward channel-wise in the first half of 2008. (My testosterone-charged colleagues would now yell “Are you out of your mind? By March at the latest!”, but I’m a chick and therefore a teensy bit more cautious and realistic. In any case: as soon as we get them, you get them.

    @Tom, Anon, henry et al.: Regarding the removal of BBC One and Two: That’s because you were part of a closed beta test. Now that the beta has been opened for all of UK, we’ve had to remove the channels that are heavily regionalised in the UK. See also Steve O’Hear on last100 http://www.last100.com/2008/01/03/christmas-was-kind-to-uk-internet-tv-users-zatoo-and-bbc-iplayer-updates/). Regarding Al Jazeera Arabic: we haven’t received the English rights yet for the UK. Working on it …

    @all Italians/Austrians/French: we’re a bit stuck in Italy right now, as the media duopoly doesn’t make things any easier. But working on it … (Didn’t you hear that one before? Yep, you did. It’s true nonetheless.) Austria continues to look pretty hot, as does France.

  58. Helen Says:

    @Axel: Dass es in der Schweiz so viel einfacher ist, Kanäle auf Zattoo aufzuschalten, hat mit der unterschiedlichen Rechtsvorschrift zu tun. Die ist in der Schweiz halt einfach günstiger für ein Unternehmen unserer Sorte als in anderen europäischen Ländern. Das heisst für uns, dass wir uns halt einfach viel mehr abstrampeln müssen für die Kanalrechte in anderen Ländern. Was wir gerne tun, weil wir an unsere Geschäftsidee glauben, selber gerne soviele Kanäle wie möglich auf unseren Laptops schauen und unsere User glücklich machen möchten. Zum Nullpreis, versteht sich.

    @clarissa: Nein, die Sendungen kann man nicht speichern. Sonst würden wir Probleme mit den Rechteinhabern kriegen.

    @Nicolas: pas très longtemps maintenant …

  59. David Says:

    I cannot login in zattoo anymore 😦 is there a problem?

  60. Helen Says:

    @David: there’s been a partial outage due to a external service provider. If you continue to experience problems with the service, it’s best to send an email to support.uk@zattoo.com so that we can look into the matter.

  61. Diego Says:

    Is it online in Ireland too? I am moving there in a few days’ time

  62. Will Griffiths Says:

    BBC 1 and 2 are hevely regionised but it does not matter, I live in wales but I receive Points West! If we want to watch the reignol news, we can go onto the relevent site. Just use BBC 1 London and BBC 2 England, they are the ‘network’ versions! As they say something is better than nothing!

  63. The Cartoonist Says:

    Any chance of getting German/French/Belgian/Swiss channels here in the UK? Or is that too difficult to achieve with regards to the rights? Apart from that, zattoo is fab.

  64. Albert Says:

    Can we have any more Spanish Channels in the UK? Also ITV 1 would be good too.

  65. Helen Says:

    @Diego: no, unfortunately there’s no Zattoo yet in Ireland. It’s on our map, though …

    @Will Griffiths: currently we’re not allowed to show regionalized versions due to licensing reasons. But we are working furiously on changing that and giving you BBC One and Two as well.

    @The Cartoonist and Albert: Yes, it’s always a rights issue, but we also want to ensure first of all that people are getting the channels they already know and love from the traditional box in the living room. So that’s going to be our main priority, giving users the missing BBC channels and other popular British ones. If there are any foreign channels whose rights are easy to get, they will certainly be great suspects for the UK lineup, though.

  66. thaifrau partnervermittlung Says:

    this is a very nice blog that you have here. keep up the good work.

  67. Will Griffiths Says:

    Hey, If you get into Ireland d’ya think you can gat RTE 1, 2 TV3, TG4 and Channel 6 to the UK. They are being really difficult about going FTA. Dispite everyone petitioning them to do so!

  68. grue1(Austria 2) Says:

    I want to be able to watch TV again…

  69. Matt Beeching Says:

    Fantastic, what great quality streams. I only discovered Zattoo accidentally as the City of Lancaster has been completely without a television signal since 8:35am this morning.

    Hope you have BBC One and Two onboard soon, but if possible it would be great to have Dave available too.

  70. check my site Says:

    check my site

    Welcome UK! |

  71. More about the author Says:

    More about the author

    Welcome UK! |

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