Zattoo launches in DK and pilots in UK


Viking guard

Denmark, here we come! Ten centuries ago, Vikings raided the coasts of the British Isles and mainland Europe. Today, Zattoo descends on Denmark with its first free Internet TV service, bringing nothing less than 10 channels for the Danes to enjoy: DR1, DR2, TV2, NRK1, NRK2, SVT1, SVT2, ARD, ZDF, and TV Polonia. Get Zattooed now and tell your friends to do so.

In the UK, we are still in private beta mode. If you want to give it a try click here, and we’ll send you a personal invitation. If everything runs smoothly Buckingham Palace Guards will get their Zattoo soon…

169 Responses to “Zattoo launches in DK and pilots in UK”

  1. Bill Says:

    Why not in Italy

  2. Bourquin Says:

    sans commentaire

  3. alfons Says:

    das ist ja interessant. Aber hattet Ihr nicht angekuendigt, dass Zattoo zuerst in UK und dann in Daenemark auf den Markt kommt. Ich habe mich schon vor ueber einen Monat angemeldet und warte seit dem auf ein Zeichen.

    Gibt es bzgl. des Starts in UK was neues???

  4. anton Says:


    cool it works now in denmark, but i expected a few more channels, anyway. as i’m german and have no tv here it’s nice to have at least 2 german channels, but the full list from the front page (arte etc.) would be nice.
    anyway, it works!

  5. alfons Says:

    Anton du Gluecklicher,

    wie ist denn die Qualitaet in Daenemark? Das Programm basiert doch auf der p2p basis und verbessert sich mit der Anzahl der User vor Ort.
    Wann hattest du dich denn bei Zattoo registriert?

    Naja, dann viel Spass noch.
    MfG aus England

  6. sven Says:

    As a German living in denmark I was specially interested in arte and evtl KiKa (for the kids). But you can’t get that. Why does Arte not work in Denmark? Are there any legal reasons? With these or other german channels it would be interesting. ARD and ZDF and the scandinavian channels you get with via ordinary cable.

  7. anton Says:

    @alfons: funktioniert ganz gut, hab bis jetzt nur mal reingeguckt, nur ganz selten ganz kleine ruckler, die sich aber schnell stabilisieren. und hatte bei zdf 2mal ne meldung beim starten, das keine verbindung zum server da ist, beim sofortigem neuen versuch aber kein problem…
    ist schon etwas weniger scharf, wenn man vollbild anguckt, aber besser als die bei runtergeladenen mitschnittef. durch die wenigen programme im moment eher ergänzung dazu für mich, aber die skandinavischen sender bringen ja auch filme/serien auf englisch…

    @sven: ich finds gut, weil ich hier im studentenwohnheim keinen fernseher mir angeschafft hab… aber arte wär wirklich toll! naja, bin nur noch bis juni hier, kommt also ein bißchen zu spät 😉

  8. alfons Says:

    @anton: Ja, geht mir genauso. Bin nur noch bis Ende August hier. Hoffentlich geht es bald auch hier in England. Aber trotz mehrmaliger Ankuendigung habe ich noch nicht einmal ein Einladung fuer die Beta Test Version bekommen.
    Irgendwas hab ich wohl falsch gemacht.

    Schoenes WE an alle Zattooer.

  9. Daniel Says:

    das interessante als zattooer mit schwedischem blut wäre, hier in der schweiz svt 1 & 2 zu emfpangen. wird das in absehbarer zukunft auch von der CH aus möglich sein? per sat geht das nur sehr umständlich… oder weiss jemand einen guten dänischen public proxy, den man vorschalten könnte (falls das überhaupt geht oder erlaubt ist)? 😉

    gruss und keep up the good work!

  10. POLO9999 Says:

    When Zattoo in Belgium ? =)

  11. nimmer Says:

    I would also like to see more channels here in Denmark. Will it be possible to see more channels in the future?

  12. Francesco Says:

    @sven: Thanks for letting us know which channels are of interest to you. We’ll take that into account when deciding which channels to add next to our Danish lineup.

    @alfons: We’re sending invites for our UK pilot on a daily basis. You’ll get one soon.

    @Daniel: We’ll launch new channels in Switzerland soon, but I’m afraid SVT1 & 2 won’t be among them.

  13. fonsi Says:

    What about a Linux-version?

  14. daniel Says:

    so far so good. It works. But as I am not Danish, I expected a bit more channels from abroad, especial the Swiss channels. Until then, I can watch all the channels you offer as well in the “normal” TV.

  15. Svend Says:

    Please, please, let me have danish tv in switzerland. As a dane I’d love it 🙂

    Thanks for the great program and service!

  16. Danilo Fabio Says:

    i gotta a question!is it also possible to watch american tv like fox or other channels?
    i would love it if somebody could answer my question
    thanks indeed!!!

  17. Madsen Says:

    I’ve just dl Zattoo and I have to say the quality of the streams is unsurpassed…Great job guys….and highly appreciated!!! Thx!

  18. Ina Says:

    Hej, can you please reconsider having Swedish channels in Switzerland (or Finnish YLE or MTV3 or Nelonen) . We are really many who would like to see well as UK channels.
    I love your quality. Really good.
    And can I see Zattoo channels when I go to Finland in the summer?It would be nice..

  19. Chris Says:

    Have tried it in the UK, here only the BBC channels are offered (BBC One, BBC Two, BBC Three, BBC Four, CBBC and Cbeebies)
    Would like to see some of the foriegn channels though (espeically german for me)…

  20. Tom Says:

    I’m surprised that only a very limited numbers of channels are offered in other countries (channels that can already be watched on television in these countries !). I live in Belgium and I absolutely want to watch Deutsche Sport Fernsehen (DSF) when Zattoo is released in my country. I therefore really hope this channel will be in the line-up for Belgium. If not, I would be very disappointed. Why not make all 40 or 41 channels available for every country ?

  21. Francesco Says:

    @Tom: It’s funny that people can be disappointed for a service that comes free of charge and that they haven’t even seen yet 😉 But rest assured that we don’t want anyone to be disappointed about Zattoo, and we’ll do our best to accomodate yours and everyone else’s demands. Remember however that you shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth…

  22. Zattoo: Denmark, here we come!! at SnAAbs Blog Says:

    […] (Zattoo launches in DK and pilots in UK). Opret en Zattoo konto […]

  23. Thomas From » Blog Archive - bliver Joost udfordret? » Says:

    […] af de forskellige net-tv sites. Iflg. wikipedia er Zattoo i dag kun at finde i Schweiz, England og Danmark – hvis du ønsker at være med til at sprede Zattoo i DK har du muligheden med et job […]

  24. Olaf Says:

    …and I’d like to see the italian channel “La7”. It’s the only TV channel with a complete TV program on the “America’s Cup” sailing competition.

  25. fidel castro Says:

    It would be great to have Swedish and Danish TV in Switzerland.I hope it will be considered in future.
    Thank you for this excellent program. Zattoo is great.

  26. Alex Says:

    Wow – ipTV that works… impressive quility and speed even over weak WIFI signals.

    Now if only integration with the Apple Remote and Frontrow could be features in the next version (please please please)

    regards Alex

  27. Monica Says:

    I received an email for the pilot version in the uk. when i click my excluive personal link it sends me straight to the waiting list. am i doing something wrong?

  28. Alex in UK Says:


    same problem as Monica here …


  29. Maria Says:

    your program is great! is there any chance you’re going to add more international channels in the future? I’d like to watch italian tv, for instance… thanks a lot and well done!

  30. Daniela Says:

    I’ve got the same problem as Monica and Alex. When I click on the link of the invitation e-mail it goes straigth to the waiting list. Why?
    As a Swiss living in London I hope you add the German and Swiss channels. My father is a frequent watcher and he made me aware of Zattoo. Can’t wait for it.

  31. Mike Says:


    Same problem as Daniela, Monica and Alex; got the invite e-mail, clicked the link, went straight through to the waiting-list page.

    I’m encouraged that you are looking to add more channels in the UK when you launch fully; no clues available as to who you’re speaking to at this stage, I suppose?


  32. Rene-San Says:

    Thanks a lot for your great service you offer – the quality is truly excelent. Can you let us know already, what kind of channels we can look forward in the future (I am from Switzerland / live in Switzerland).

  33. Francesco Says:

    @Monica, Alex, Maria, Daniela, Mike: Guys, can you give it another try? It should work now. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  34. Mike Says:


    Thank you so much.

    Zattoo is fabulous! the quality of the picture is excellent, and the channel options look fantastic – this is going to be fun!

  35. graham Says:

    fantastic streams and very clear, when is the likely lauch date for the rest of the channels, as at the moment it is limited….can’t wait

  36. Daniela Says:

    Thanks Francesco, it’s now working. However, my broadband connection is too slow so it keeps buffering. I’m planning to move soon anyway!

  37. megel Says:

    Nice ——–

    Works brilliant on my Apple MAC PPC – thanks

    From Denmark

  38. Alexandra Says:

    Thanks a lot. Today I received your invitation – no problem to install zattoo 🙂 I am Austrian and living in UK, so I am looking forward to watch german channels 😉 good luck for your ‘successful’ project…

  39. Monica Says:

    Thanks a lot Francesco!! It’s now working!
    Would love to have Swiss, Italian and Spanish channels.
    Thanks for the good work.

  40. winnnn Says:

    Which you released for italia?

  41. Hernan Says:

    Hello Francesco,

    I’m living in germany and would like to test your product. When it is comming out to the German market? Why was Germany left aside in this initial stage? I just can’t wait to test Zatoo!

  42. Roberto Says:

    I’m a dane living in Italy. It would be great if I could watch the danish Tv in Italy

  43. Katuer Says:

    Hi there,
    program works just fine. Pretty impressive, actually. However, as a German living in UK I too (like some others) would be interested in watching German channels here. I would really appreciate more channels. Thanks in advance.

    @Francesco: Great work, guys!

  44. dingleberry Says:

    Useless channels. We can all already see all of those channels for free. And we can even see them by air, so you don’t even have to get cable to see them. So unless you offer something else, your service is useless here in Denmark.

    Give us the same channels as everywhere else, like channal we usually have to pay for, or have to get cable to see, or foreign channels we couldn’t otherwise see.

  45. Pedro Says:

    Hi Francesco,

    I just want to know if it is going to be a Linux version of Zattoo and when it is going to be possible to use Zattoo in Germany.

    Pedro, from Germany

  46. Zattoo launches in DK and pilots in UK « Zattoo Blog « My Joost Diary Says:

    […] April 30th, 2007 · No Comments Zattoo launches in DK and pilots in UK « Zattoo Blog […]

  47. Jakob Says:

    Hmmm.. The quality is very poor here in DK: Both DR1, DR2, TV2, SRK1 and SRK2. Why? Right know I have 2Mbit/s, and if I see television on, I think the quality there, is better.

    I wonder about another thing: How can Zattoo get TV2? You can only get the live stream, if you purchase a license to that (

    Hope you understand my English? 🙂

  48. Jakob Says:

    No, TV2 isn’t free on the internet, only DR1 and DR2.

    Could be cool with following channels, you usally had to pay for:

    National G.
    TV3 and TV3+
    TV2 Sport
    TV2 Zulu
    TV2 Charlie
    TV2 News
    Some Viasat and Canal Digital cable television.

    Maybe this could be possible in the future?

    I want to say, that I’m only 14 and live in DK, so my English SO good.

    I think this is much better than Joost..

  49. Jakob Says:

    *so my english isn’t SO good!!!

  50. Francesco Says:

    @dingleberry, Jakob: There’s no such thing as a free lunch… with the exception of Zattoo. But to throw in a few premium channels to go with the free lunch is a bit over the top, don’t you think?

    Keep up the relevant and useful feedback… 😉

  51. Neff Says:

    Gosh! I heard something about a linux version coming out today… but where? I really can’t wait :D. I let windows behind my shoulders some months ago, and I’m really feeling home now.. and what does is home without a good television? 😀 Please give us a linux version 🙂 …sooon!!!

  52. A STRAHLBERG Says:


  53. Bea Says:

    BBC 1, BBC 2 etc. in Switzerland would be great. At the moment I would be pleased to get BBC Prime back. This channel has disappeared in my channel list! Big frustration!

  54. Laxton Says:

    BBC in Denmark would be great, but maybe it will come soon…. Can see from the impresive list of chanels there is allot to see, just not here in Denmark… Look foward to see the channels you advertise with !!!

  55. Shaun Rockett Says:

    Would love to see:

    BBC1, BBC2, BBC2, ITV1, ITV2, C4, C5, Sky1, UKGold as the UK TV channels.

  56. Darius Says:

    Great software for my Mac, fast opening, great quality.
    Waiting for more TV channels for UK.

  57. Mike Says:

    Having looked at the data file that came with the download, we can safely assume that the Zattoo offering in the UK will centre on the Freeview offerings.

    However, I remember that one of the great joys of Satellite TV in its early days in the UK was access to free to air channels from around Europe. I hope that Zattoo will make this available to UK viewers soon.

  58. BOURAB Says:

    bonsoir, je ai pas mon mot de passe, pourtant je ne sais pas ce qu’il s’est passé. merci de bien vérifier.

    Arié BOURAB de Hermance (1248) canton de Genève-Suisse

  59. Yesba Says:

    Hey.. it works great on my macs.

    Only thing is: you dont realy need these national channels.. you can already get them via other means of reception. What would be great, is the ability to get ei. spanish channels in denmark and vice versa: thats where you could fill in a gap. I for one would love to see some south american channels in Denmark – and its those special needs, that you would be able to fullfill!

    Thanks anyway: looks promising.

  60. Carmine Says:

    I tried the Uk version… It looks great… only a question: will it possible to get extra channels (may be the Italian ones)?


  61. anna Says:

    hei there,
    nice software, works good in switzerland!
    – what about scandinavic channels?
    I’d like too watch some other channels than
    in public tv available.
    thanx a lot

  62. //THUNDER Says:

    Hey… Nice program… realy love it… Looking forward to see more channels and hoping for TV2 News and TV2 Sport in denmark. 🙂
    That would be so great!
    Also looking forward to see some german and english channels in denmark… The biggest wish is Discovery Channel … Plzzz Plzzz 🙂

  63. skarox Says:

    Is there any info on when it’s gonna be launched in Germany, I mean, there’s so many German channels on there already, a pity I can’t access them :&

  64. Nancy Says:

    wollt bloß mal horchen ob ich damit auch sf2 in sachsen anhalt empfangen kann? und ja kostet mich zattoo was?

  65. Jens Ole Says:

    Hi Zattoo,
    I am very happy with Zattoo. If you take into consideration wishes, I would very much like to be able to watch French tv-channels, which are hard to get through cable or other means here. Especially ARTE and France 2 + 3 would be great. Another great feature would be if Zattoo could be used when travelling. That would allow me to watch DK and other TV channels when out of the country.
    Thanks for a great programme.
    Jens Ole

  66. Alero Says:


    Zattoo is echt ein gutes Programm und bei uns in der schweiz verbreitet es sich langsam..

    Anregung: Wie wäre es mit Zattoo für die PSP?


  67. Fabio Says:

    Excellent software!!!

    Can’t wait to see the channel list get bigger and bigger with lots of foreign TVs too:)

    Well done Zattoo guys!

  68. Jayne Says:

    Will it be possible to get the French TV channels in the UK through Zattoo?

  69. Flery Lionel Says:


    I want all european TV channels


  70. Bea Says:

    Wow, einige neue Sender. Nur ist nun BBC Prime schon wieder verschwunden. Wenn der Kanal nun wieder zurück kommt, ist Zattoo einfach perfekt. Danke für die vielen Sender!

  71. Aad Hoogakker Says:

    Waneer komt ZATTOO naar nederland?
    Wij hebben 40 jaar in zwitserland gewoond
    En dit is een prima manier om een zwitserse zender te bekijken.
    Laat ons niet te lang wachten.
    H Gr uit Heiloo A en J Hoogakker

  72. Katharina Says:

    ….. schön für DK – und Frankreich, wann sind wir an der Reihe??
    eine Heimwehschweizerin

  73. Ernie Says:

    Wie kann ich die dänischen, schwedischen, norwegischen und polnischen Sender in der Schweiz empfangen??

  74. Ossian Says:

    If you really want to make a major move in Denmark, you should make a deal with Viasat, so that you can broadcast TV3 and 3+. Both quite popular due to their football rights on the Danish national “Superleague” and Champions League.

  75. Mictho Says:

    It looks really good, but it would only be really valuable if you could watch home channels abroad, i.e. when travelling or living abroad. I would for instance be interested in Danish channels whilst in the UK.

    But good start so far; hope it expands further.

  76. Peter Says:

    Endlich eine Möglichkeit, dass man ohne Kabel und ohne Schüssel richt fernsehen kann!

  77. sash Says:

    just downloaded the uk beta. and it works fine.
    my son watched cbeebies in my office while i was working. hooray.
    if possible i would like to get lots of german channels as i am deutsch.

    aber schonmal vorweg gesagt, zattoo ist klasse.
    much better than the venice project “JOOST”
    proper content not rubbish. nice!

  78. tokeriis Says:

    I have trouble viewing the norwegian channels – NRK1 and NRK2. All I get is a message in a red box saying “Der dienst sendet nicht oder ist verschluggelt”. Meaning “no channel or its not broadcasting”. I have tried on several occasions in different j´hours, with the same result.

    Whats wrong? has NRK1/2 been withdrawn permanently from the list or is there technical difficulties involved?

    I am using the Mac client.

  79. DENORMANDIE Nicolas Says:

    I hope you will include TV5 monde in the already large list. Thank you

  80. Martin Says:

    I would like to see spanish television here in Denmark. I can also see that others want to see TV from different regions/countries, not only local channels.

    Is there any hope that Zattoo will adjust the portfolio of offered channels to the fact, that we are becoming more and more globalized?

  81. Kaj Says:

    How come there are no subtitels on the danish channels?

  82. julia Says:

    Great thet we now have acess to zattoo here in Denmark.
    Keep up the good work and please keep adding channels.
    All the BBC channels would be a great start!

    Thanks for bringing us some great TV stations, but please keep on adding.
    We do not want to miss out on all that you have to offer.

    Thanks Julia

  83. Oliver Baron Says:

    I am living in UK and entered my details several days ago..
    I haven’t got an invite yet.. Could you please send me one? I am curious about Zattoo..

  84. Jakob (DK) Says:

    Is it just me? But is the quality very bad? The picture is very pixelated.

    Could be cool, if you can see all the channels in EU.
    Is is possible to view some HD channels?
    And where do you get the tv-streams from? 😉

  85. Jakob (DK) Says:

    Could also be cool if you get all the TV2 channels (TV2 Sport, Zulu, Charlie, News etc) and the newly annonced newschannel, DR Update?

  86. Jakob (DK) Says:

    And NRK1 and NRK2 doesn’t work, with the first channel; there is a text on deutch, and with the second, there don’t comes a picture.

  87. nancy (DK) Says:

    To the Germans in Denmark: Yes, there is a lot of English language programming on the tv in Denmark. English is the 2nd language here, not German. If you live & work here, get used to it. We have an OVERABUNDANCE of German channels available on the majority of cable tv suppliers. Barring that, buy a satellite dish if you want more German language tv here.

  88. maltesen Says:

    Why not some sports channels to watch Champions League?

  89. superskytten Says:

    lovely, free webtv, i hope there will come more channels thanks zattoo

  90. Zack Says:

    Hi zattoo, i still haven’t received any invitation to become one of the beta tester, please sort my situation out as soon as possible, because my life is hell without your programs, still can’t sleap and it’s 4.22am in here London.
    I’m waiting since yesterday 2pm, so it would be nice to do something for me as quick as possible.
    Please Zattoo change my life!
    Sincerely Zack

  91. Christian Says:

    why isn’t all the channels availible on zattoo? i live i DK, but would love to have fx the italian channels aswell.

    But loves te service. props to the zattoo-guys!

  92. maltesen Says:

    How to get more channels when you live in Denmark?

  93. Tom Says:

    When will Zattoo be coming to Belgium ? Will it still be this year ? I would appreciate it if someone from Zattoo could give an answer.

  94. RedTop Says:

    Hi Francesco,

    Having read about your service while I was in China and trying to download it from there, I did get a bit disappointed when I found out that it was not possible!

    After returning to Denmark and having successfully tested Zattoo, I can only say that I whish two things:

    1) Let registered users who download the service from their home country be able to use the service from any where in the world, so business travellers like e.g. me can keep in touch with what’s happening on their “home turf”.

    2) As a business man, I would also like to have access to international channels like Al Jazeera, BBC World, Bloomberg, CNBC, EuroNews and – because I am Danish I presume – also TV2 News!

    How about making a service where the “registered country package” stays “for free” and is accessible from any where in the world as long as you have downloaded and registered Zattoo from a given country, and then could be expanded with extra channels – e.g. split in to 5 channels free of choice, 10 channels free of choice, 15 channels free of choice and 20 channels free of choice?

    I travel in excess of 150 days a year all over the world, and a service like this I would be willing to pay in the region of € 10 (at 5 channels free of choice) to € 25 (at 20 channels free of choice) a year!

  95. roselan Says:

    I’m exactly in the same situation than redtop (except i “live” in Switzerland), and travel a lot. It would be lovely to be able to watch my set of programs anywhere in the world

  96. loic Says:

    C’est pas juste, ils l’ont en Anglettere et nous en France carotte….
    Il n’y a quand même pas TF1 et tout en Angleterre?

  97. 4694185654 Says:



  98. Ark Says:

    Hello guys, I live in Argentina and I’d love to try Zattoo for spanish television. Does anyone know a good proxy server I could use? I’ve been searching for a couple of days now and nothing…
    Thank a lot

  99. Madsen Says:

    This is just great! Easy to install, easy to use! TV is dead, Zattoo lives… 🙂
    Hopefully the package will be extended to include Italian, Spanish & French channels as well… Keep up the good work!

  100. Speedy Says:

    Hi guys,
    What a superb piece of software. Quality is excellent from what I have seen so far.
    Any idea when the UK version will come out properly.

    Is there a reason why in say my case you can only get a few channels. If it’s bandwidth, Why not limit people’s channels. ie 15 on a player at any one time.

    I would love to have BBC & ITV on my player sometime soon. Keep up the good work chaps 🙂

    Any chance of a Zattoo forum. Much easier for you to collect ideas & what not

  101. Andie Says:

    How long does it take to be activated after signing up?
    Also, any chance of all freeview channels on it? Get ABC1 and you’ll replace my TV 😛

  102. Miguel Says:

    Any invite for Zattoo?

  103. Bruno W-B Says:

    hey i would be very much interested in being sent an invitation to try out the new Zattoo. It looks great!! cant wait! thanks

    my email is thnx

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    Also UK laeuft bei mir schon seit mindestens einem Monat !:)

  107. Aditya Says:

    I am in the UK. Its been almost 2 weeks I have not yet received an invite!!

    Please send me one soon!

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    Try using when signing up…

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