1 million users!!!!!



This is the Zurich team celebrating. We still look a little dazed, which is only partly due to the Prosecco we’d been downing sipping. Ok, it’s only part of the Zurich team. Some vital members are missing because they were actually working when the big moment arrived. Sugih, our co-founder slash Chairman slash CTO, was in Ann Arbor with the rest of the US team (am working on getting their photo up as well), Beat, co-founder slash CEO slash President, was on the road in the UK, Francesco, marketing wiz, dito, Thomas, head of business operations (whatever that is – all I know is that it’s important), was on a secret mission in Zurich.

Back to the major moment. At 5:09 pm sharp the total user number jumped from 999,999 to 1,000,000. Pop went the bottles and the run on the tortilla chips began. We tried to persuade Fredy, most senior member of staff present, to make a speech, but he somehow weasled out of it. It all eventually ended in a cheerful blur on a very uplifting note. To be honest, it’s a great feeling to know that 1 million people are now using Zattoo. Thanks for believing in us!

Zattoo – Now working on the next million.

79 Responses to “1 million users!!!!!”

  1. henry Says:

    Is that a million simultaneous users, a million installed users, or a million cumulative client downloads?

  2. Hayo Says:

    Congratiolations! 🙂

  3. Helen Says:

    It’s 1,000,000 registered users who have downloaded the Zattoo player.

  4. simu Says:

    Hammer! Ihr seid einfach die besten!!!

    BIG THX!!

  5. Lance Says:

    Wow, great news. I’m since a long time Zattoo User. And i would not miss it anymore …

    Good job and good luck for the future …

    PS: Hey, cool Zattoo T-Shirt 🙂

  6. Damir Says:

    I’d like to have that Zattoo shirt. How could I order it?

  7. Laura Says:

    “So sind in der Schweiz, wo Zattoo seit Juni 2006 zu empfangen ist, heute 465’000 Benutzer registriert.” – Auszug aus dem Netzwocheticker.
    Weiss man auch, wieviele Personen davon regelmässig Tv schauen sind mit Zattoo?

  8. Uri Says:

    Wo bleiben nun endlich die interessanten Sender für Deutschland?

    ARD, ZDF Co.

    RTL, SAT1 & Co.

    ORF und SF


  9. Bill Says:

    I live in Italy and I can’t be one of then!

  10. Helen Says:

    @Damir: Excellent taste in fashion! 😉 We’re currently out of them, but will produce some more before the end of the year, this time with a girlie version as well, so that we Zattoo chicks can also wear them without any loss of style. We’ll also make them available for you guys out there. Just check our website and blog for the news to come!

    Zattoo – Wear orange in style. Watch orange TV.

  11. Helen Says:

    @Laura: Das wissen wir, und wir sind sogar sehr stolz, dass sehr viele unserer User regelmässig Zattoo benutzen. Es ist zwar völlig unschweizerisch, das so zu erwähnen, aber wir sind mit grösster Sicherheit der Online-Videodienst, der die besten Repeater-Raten hat.

  12. henry Says:

    @Helen thanks for the clarification. Any news on actual viewing figures, and when do we get European stations’ non-English versions in the UK? I believe there is significant demand for these. The English versions sound far too American for our tender ears.

  13. alessandra Says:

    congratulations!But if you want more…….please come to italy!

  14. Laura Says:

    @helen: herzlichen dank für die info. ich gehöre auch zu den regelmässigen usern. finde es genial, neben dem surfen und arbeiten noch tv schauen/hören zu können. freue mich, wenn die qualität noch besser wird.weiter so!

  15. Karl Says:

    When can we expect some more German channels especially those from ARD, ZDF and such?

  16. Lorenz Says:

    Come to Austria, a huge market is waiting for you.
    Well, ok – let’s say important. A key market. ( 😉 )

  17. Enzo Says:

    hallo liebes Zattoo Team,

    ich finde eure Idee genial. Leider vermisse ich wenigstens mal 1 italienischen Kanal. Wäre das machbar ?

    Grüße aus Deutschland und viel Erfolg


  18. DarkNike Says:

    Herzlichen Glückwunsch Zattoo! 😀
    Hoffentlich wird noch das Senderangebot in Deutschland schnell aktuallisiert! Dann werden es aus Deutschland vlt noch mehr! 😆

  19. Ben Says:

    Ohh so one of the great Zattoo’ers is in the UK….anychance of a blog about this road trip …… please

  20. Svensken Says:

    Kommt nach SCHWEDEN, bitte! 😀

  21. Otacon_Network Says:

    kommt bitte bitte nach Deutschland mit ARD ZDF Prosieben RTL etc …. ich warte schon sehnsüchtig danach! Kann doch net schwer sein die zu überzeugen!

  22. Massimo Says:

    Compliment,weiter so.
    Schön wäre, Playhouse Disney oder Boomarang,da meine Tochter am 13 Oktober 4 jahre alt wird und sowieso immer Tv schaut. Nein,Scherz:Muss nicht sein.Ich bin gespannt,aufs nächste Update,was wohl kommen wird.Alles gute Massimo

  23. Carlo Says:

    We can’t wait for Zattoo to come to Italy, there’s gonna be a huge response for you guys here (at least 1 other million of italians is waiting 🙂

  24. Kyle Mulka Says:

    Congratulations to everyone! Sugih, Beat, Dug, Zach, Dan, Eric, Adam, Jeff, and the rest of the team included. Can’t wait to see Zattoo in the United States (where I don’t have to VPN into UofM)!

  25. Helen Says:

    Thanks for all the thumbs ups and congratulations! And to everybody with a wish list: it’s good to hear what you guys out there want. I can also safely promise you that all your dream channels are our dream channels as well. Which doesn’t mean for us just all the native channels of one country, but also as many foreign channels as possible, for all the homesick Polish in Belgium, Swiss in Germany, Italians in Switzerland …

  26. manisak Says:

    Ich sag mal eins TV Kapputt Zattoo downloaden Guuuuut. Danke Leute tolle sache, ob windows Mac oder linux. Es passt einfach!!

  27. richard Says:

    hey! how about the USA?
    will you guys add the biggest market in th world to the list.
    i’m from LA and i cant wait to be able to receive channels from europe.
    congrat on the million users

  28. Erny Says:

    We want Zatoo in Italy, please..

  29. Dschanki Says:

    hi i am a big fan of your project, i live in AUSTRIA and hope AUSTRIA will be the next checkpoint on your way to worlddomination 😛

    AUSTRIA …. just in case you didnt get where im from…. little mind manipulation 😉

    AUSTRIA , cant stop it xD

  30. ben Says:

    Mehr sender für Deutschland.BITTE!!

  31. tim Says:

    Das Programmangebot in Deutschland ist ein Witz.

  32. Victor Says:

    Vuelvo a mis comentarios anteriores
    Back to my previous comments

    Desde Bélgica quisiera ver los canales españoles
    From Belgium I’d like watching the Spanish Channels


  33. Karl Says:

    ZATTOO folks,

    if you really want to compete with Joost, just 2 suggestions from me and you’re done:

    1st) increase resolution to full tv resolution
    2nd) promote usage especially for Mac PPC users as Joost has decided not to provide support for PPC platform!

  34. Helen Says:

    @ Karl: thanks for bringing up that full tv resolution. In a world where PCs were much more powerful and broadband were much much broader we could do that. You have to imagine that we are streaming LIVE content, not content that has been processed and prepared in advance for optimal distribution. This takes a lot more processing power. Joost does a great thing in bringing on demand content. We (pat on the back) do a great thing streaming live TV.

  35. Klaus Says:

    Hi, I understand that in European countries there are problems with certain industrial rights with channels. But why can’t we in Latin America, in my case Venezuela, enjoy European television with Zattoo?

  36. jis Says:

    But now we’re waiting for HD-Content:-D

  37. Helke Says:

    Glückwunsch, hoffe auf mehr Sender. Habe heute in der Frankfurter Rundschau von Ihnen gelesen. Bin sehr gespannt

  38. Janelle in MI Says:

    I think it is sad that you cant get anyone in the US to sign onto this concept. I am hoping that maybe an independent network will be the first to sign on and then the others will have to lead follow or get out of the way! This is such a great idea and the right time to do it!

    You would think the other countries agreeing to forge into this exciting and unchartered territory would be enough to embarass them into signing on to a concept originated in their country!

  39. Heinz Says:

    herzliche Gratulation, wann kann ich jetzt endlich hier in Rio de Janeiro euch empfangen??

    Alles Gute

  40. Cesar Says:

    Enorabuena por este proyecto, desde españa.

    F E L I C I D A D E S


  41. Andrea Says:

    WOW, this is cool.
    Ich wuerde liebend gerne Deutsche Sender hier in Australien empfangen. Via Zattoo versteht sich.

  42. Raj Says:

    @Helen – Yes, you do a great job at streaming live TV, but it won’t be for long. Joost is going to have streaming live TV added to their current on-demand line-up early next year. 🙂 And the resolution is going to be as good as the on-demand currently.

  43. Timo Says:


    find es super, dass soviele Leute Zattoo nutzen. Gratulation an das Team!
    Wie wohl alle Deutschen, warte aber auch ich auf die deutschen “Topsender” wie Pro7, Sat1 und RTL. Mir ist bewusst, dass ihr mitten in den Verhandlungen (die sich wohl auch noch hinziehen werden) seid.
    Aber wie siehts denn mit Sendern wie SF2 oder ORF in Deutschland aus? Das wäre mir sogar wichtiger als die deutschen “Topsender”! Zudem sollte das für euch, als Schweizer, doch einfacher sein SF2 an Land zu ziehen, oder irre ich mich da?

    MfG, Timo

  44. thomalosalem Says:

    bitte Canal Algerie , Polsat , TVPolonia1 , DubaiSport,
    danke sehr

  45. Alex Molina Says:

    Por favor, incluid ya TVC Internacional a Zattoo, y también los canales TV3, el 33, 3/24 y 300! (Todos son catalanes)

    ¡Más oferta de canales en Zattoo!

  46. Rafa Says:

    Alex y los demás españoles también no?

  47. Alex Says:

    Ich warte auf neue Infos über ARD, ZDF etc. Habe bei Onlinekosten vor ein paar Wochen gelesen, dass diese sich bereit erklärt haben über Zattoo zu streamen?!
    Was gibts da für Neuigkeiten?
    Gruß von einem der kein Kabel, kein Sat, kein DVBT empfangen kann (dafür aber DSL hat)… Alex

  48. thomas Says:

    Congratulations from me too.

    One thing beside all the continuously repeated wishes for more channels and higher resolution from me would be that you add something like a favorite list, where every user can sort the available channels for its individual preferences. or another concept of this idea could be, sorting the channels in different categories, i.e. for countries, or music, or sport channels. How about that idea?

    best regards and welcome on board user # 1,000,000.


  49. Süleyman Says:

    herzlichen glückwunsch!

  50. Jeby Says:

    Wow… but… we want Zattoo in Italyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!

  51. Franz Says:

    jetzt schnell zur nächsten Million, holt Euch / gebt uns NASN und dann ist es nicht mehr weit….

    alle EU Baseballer, Footballer, Basketballer, Eishackler, Nascarler auf einen Schlag…


  52. Eduardo Benavent Says:

    Could we embed zatoo tv in a website? Who do we need to speak to? How does it affect rights of TV Channels being shown through Zatoo TV? Thank you in advance for your earliest response!

  53. Seppl Says:

    Glückwunsch – denke das ist nur der Anfang und wird schnell mehr 🙂
    Hätte da einen Wunsch: könnte es Zattoo vielleicht als portable app geben zum Mitnehmen auf USB für Internetcafés zum Bsp.?
    Gruß, sepp.

    Ps: Läuft Zattoo eigentlich auf dem Eee Pc von Asus?

  54. danny Says:

    is zattoo in the uk yet ???? i signd up about 4 weeks ago and no email im in uk ????? :(:(

  55. pedro Says:


  56. pedro Says:


  57. pedro Says:

    zatoo quiero

  58. raul Says:


  59. Furnell Says:

    @danny, I’m in the UK and i’ve got it. check your spam folder as it may have slipped into that instead of your inbox

  60. chino Says:

    Sweden, a far away dream??

  61. stephan Says:

    und wenn Thailand empfang haette waeren es schon 1000001 users

  62. harrasser Says:

    i am interested

  63. John Says:

    Have used Zattoo in Germany for 2 months. I know it is early days yet and I should be patient. Are there any clues as to when (if) we will get mainstream channels – German / French / Dutch and British – please pretty please. At the moment the channels although interesting are still quite marginal … for me that is.

  64. Alex - Microsmeta Says:

    Please, if Zattoo will be launched in Italy, do not give us just all the native channels of our country, but also as many foreign channels as possible.. from France, Belgium, UK …

    Thank you!

  65. Álvaro from Spain Says:

    Thank you from Andalusia,-> Spain.

  66. Erlend Says:

    * Congrats *

  67. orvar bergmann Says:


  68. Vladimir_Berlin Says:

    Herzlichen Glückwunsch!!!! Zattoo is the BEST!!!!!!!!

  69. Bockwurst Says:

    Please, please, please try to get those important bus still missing stations in Germany!!!
    YOU NEED THEM! And you know it..
    those will be the step towards total success..

    Hope to see you soon, perhaps in Berlin on the 22nd 😉
    Greetz from Nuremberg, Germany 😉

  70. vanschouwen Says:

    After downloading updates I had to unload Zattoo. Reinstalling and logging in I get the message that my name is already registered (logical, that’s me) and download impossible. Any suggestions ?

  71. Nzogoa Doris Says:

    I have submitted my information but find it difficult to sign in.

  72. Nzogoa Doris Says:

    I have filled in all my information but downloading is very imposible,i wish to know how to go about it.

  73. Helen Says:

    @Bockwurst: yeah, hope to see you at the party!

    @vanschouwen and Doris: it’s best if you direct technical or support questions to our support hotline:
    Switzerland: support.ch@zattoo.com
    Germany: support.de@zattoo.com
    Spain: support.es@zattoo.com
    Belgium: support.be@zattoo.com
    Denmark: support.dk@zattoo.com
    Norway: support.no@zattoo.com

  74. Becky Walker Says:

    I have try to register,and does not accept my password.Why?
    Plese explain me how to proceed.I saw it at a firend house and was verz intersting.Many thanks,
    Becky Walker

  75. B. Wyler Says:

    Zatto blockiert den Internetzugang. Ohne Reset des Modem-Router Netgear ADSL/ISDN Wireless ist ein Wiederzugang nicht möglich. Provider Sunrise 3000 Geschwindigkeit von bestellten 3500.

    Was ist zu ändern? (am Router, Software, PC oder Provider?)

    Besten Dank.

  76. Die beeindruckendsten Webangebote im Jahr 2007 » Beitrag » zweinull.cc Says:

    […] und ohne zusätzliche Hardware auf den Desktop und macht es damit wieder spannend. Über eine Millionen Menschen nutzen den Dienst bereits. Mehr zu […]

  77. Helen Says:

    @Becky Walker and B. Wyler: it’s best if you direct technical or support questions to our support hotline:
    Switzerland: support.ch@zattoo.com
    Germany: support.de@zattoo.com
    Spain: support.es@zattoo.com
    Belgium: support.be@zattoo.com
    Denmark: support.dk@zattoo.com
    Norway: support.no@zattoo.com

  78. Saibot-Blog Says:

    Austria? 😦

  79. Yoganathan Says:

    PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!! more GERMAN channels such as ARD, ZDF, Super RTL, RTL || or RTL and DSF for the UK area!!!!! I would appreciate it a lot 😀 Not only me, I think….

    There shoudn’t be any problems with broadcasting rights, as you show those programs in Switzerland…

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