These boots just keep on walking …


… Or: Of countries and channels

Hola to all current and waitlisted Zattoo users out there! Thanks to all of you for your remarks, suggestions, for your incredibly encouraging praise and also for your critical remarks. The praise makes us soar high and keeps us going, the criticism pulls us back to the ground and drives us to give you a better Zattoo.

Apart from the many comments you also have many questions, especially on when we plan to launch in other countries and on what’s going to happen with the channel offering. So here’s a quick update on things:

Next on the list of countries to be Zattoo-ified are Belgium, Austria („WE HEAR YOU, LINSE!“), and France. In most other European countries we’re in discussion with the broadcasters – in some more intensely than in others. We’ve stopped announcing launch dates ahead of time because we had to learn the hard way that things never go as planned when there are two parties or more involved (a variation of Murphy’s Law).

While we’re mainly focusing on Europe this year, the rest of the world is not completely off our map. We’re also talking to broadcasters in the US („Stand by, Josephine!“) and in some Asian countries and hope to also move forward in South America very soon (this for Betty in Paraguay).

We’re collecting all your channel requests and will certainly try to fulfill as many of them as possible, though you may need to be a little patient with us. We’re reluctant to communicate starting dates for new channels before we don’t hold the rights for them in our very own hands. This means that we can’t tell you exactly when this or that channel will be available. But you can be sure that the channels that are hot on your list are also hot on ours …

One last thing: if you’ve got technical questions, it might be best to address them to (for Germany there’s a separate support email address:

Cheerio from the guys and gals at Zattoo!

Zattoo – It’s a TV world. Let’s enjoy it. Wherever, whenever, whatever.

49 Responses to “These boots just keep on walking …”

  1. Nicolas Says:

    Well, it’s me again. I really appreciate your clarification. And :Yeeeeppppeeeee !!! (ou comme on dit en français Youuuppppiiii)
    I have been waiting so long for this : you have stated that you’re going to start brodacasting in France eventually! Bravo 🙂
    Zattoo will come in baguette, bordeaux and beret flavors at last.
    So again, here is “the” perfect line-up that would make most French viewers happy(at least I hope so)…
    – channels that are already broadcasting over the net and might be interested by the cost efficiency that the Zattoo P2P network provides : I>Télé, Infosport,(these two belong to Canal+), Direct8 (a DTT channel focusing almost exclusively on live shows), La Chaîne Parlementaire (a.k.a. LCPAN, focusing on politics and airing sessions from the Parliament), Orange Sports (obviously, from Orange, the telco provider), MCM Top (a music channel, as part of their interactive site), Vidé, NT1 (two channels belonging to ABSat; might not be interested since they’ve opted for the RayV plug-in as far as NT1 is concerned), BFMTV, Liberty TV (the French speaking version of the Belgian channel), France24.
    – Obviously, channels you obtained rights for in Switzerland : TF1, M6, Arte and France Télévisions’ ones, even though you made it clear about licensing in a recent post.
    – What about the rest of DTT channels? (n.b. : DTT = TNT)
    – And on a pay basis, you could even air ABSat channels (when they’ll start broadcasting the ABDsl service)
    This is only a long list of suppositions. Good job so far, we’re waiting for you 😉
    A bientôt je l’éspère…

  2. Franck Says:

    Hi , i’m from Belgium and thanks for the interest from the Belgian channels.
    You know, actually, the Belgium has a crisis with the community (No Gouvernment since 100 Days ! Oo) but it’s not the subject ;).
    I want to know if you can broadcast the RTL Group Channels (RTL-TVI,Club RTL,Plug TV (and RTL 20 ANS (Temporary channel in digital)) and the AB Group Channels (AB3/AB4) and I want to know if the channels from Flanderen will be aivable (VRT,VTM,VT4,JIM,…)
    Thanks you if you place some of theses channels 😀

  3. Francesco Says:

    Hey, but what about Italy?
    I was hoping we were in the short list after one of your previous posts.
    And now?
    Please give me some optimistic news…

  4. alessandra Says:

    please please please! Italy needs you zattoo, come soooooooooooooooon!

  5. hefe Says:


  6. rafael Says:

    hola zatto mi justa mas canal mucho todo mundo sports cine terror ok muchos brazo muakkk

  7. marco Says:

    non riesco a capre come si scarica il programma per guardare la tv qualcuno mi aiuti

  8. alessandra Says:

    just Belgium, Austria and France…..sigh….sigh….AND ITALY???????????????Marco,se sei in Italia il programma non lo puoi scaricare perchè non è ancora visibile da noi

  9. Francesco Says:

    ma porca miseria…stà uscendo da tutte le parti questo caspita di programma e in italia no…io ho avuo modo di provarlo per 6 mesi quando sono stato in svizzera…e devo dire che è molto utile soprattutto quando c’è la necessità di usare il pc e vedere qualcosa in tv 😀

  10. Francesco Says:

    vi pare giusto che loro si godono 7 nostri canali tra i quali su 3 noi paghiamo il canone (quindi li finanziamo noi)…e neanche ci permettono di vederli??? mo li boicotto!!!

  11. alessandra Says:

    guardando che canali si pssono vedere con gli altri software zattoo sarebbe veramente il migliore,io poi che sono appassionata di basket spagnolo perchè ci gioca un mio amico su zattoo ci sono tutti i canali spagnoli che trasmetterebbero le partite…..è una disdetta!E poi è vero,ci sono anche le tv italiane per le quali ci tocca pagare il canone……mah……..

  12. Conor Says:

    I really hope that access to the French terrestrial channels (TF1, France 2 and France 3, Canal +, La Cinq, M6, Arte etc) will not be restricted to French IP addresses. It would be great if we will be able to enjoy these from outside of France (in my case, from Ireland).
    Thanks for all the effort, so far 🙂

  13. angel ruiz Says:

    Estoy en España y quiero ver la TV francesa, como se puede hacer.
    Un saludo

  14. Arnaud Says:

    Help ! TF1 doest work.

  15. Francesco Says:


  16. George Says:

    Hi…I was wondering…
    in one of your articles you state that you have 49 channels running in Switzerland…
    In Germany we only have 21… why don’t you open all of the channels or is there a problem with the licences?
    Another thing: When do you think you will have Channels such as Pro 7, RTL, Arte, Sat 1, ARD, ZDF, WDR, etc.?
    I don’t get it… why are these people closing up to this new medium.

  17. alessandra Says:

    francesco,è inutile urlare il nostro bisogno di avere zattoo in italia,tanto i prossimi paesi ad averlo saranno francia,austria e belgio……noi chissà……..

  18. Francesco Says:

    sai xò che c’è alessandra…se uno gli scassa le scatole magari si degnano di metterlo anche a noi o magari prenderci in considerazione…anche se dubito fortemente che leggano i post che gli utenti lasciano…xò il fatto è che rosico troppo perchè non posso usare questo programma…io l’ho usato per vari mesi e dato che è una cosa utile e soprattutto ne vale la pena usarlo…

  19. alessandra Says:

    anche a me rosica un sacco.Ho scaricato dei programmi per tv su internet ma nessuno ha la scelta di zattoo,specialmente per quanto riguarda la tv spagnola. Se non ho zattoo non posso vedere la2 che è la tv dove trasmettono il basket spagnolo in diretta ci tengo troppo ad averlo! Dai Francesco,continuiamo a scassare!

  20. NevidS Says:

    @ alessandra and francesco,
    I think they have a project (or I hope that) about ip range and Italy is not in they plan for a long time yet.
    I suggest to try another way, like StreamerOne for italian channel or Soapcast for international.

    and more… è inutile che rompiate le palle, penso che ci sia una punta di goduria nel non abilitare i l’italia all’utilizzo del programma, come sempre non ci vedono di buon occhio. E poi vi conviene dire tutto in inglese che magari capiscono meglio. 😉

  21. alessandra Says:

    sono riuscita a trovare alternative per vedere un sacco di canali spagnoli,francesco! Anche molti canali sportivi

  22. Francesco Says:

    il fatto è che fino ad ora non ho trovato altro metodo per vedere canali nella qualità di zattoo…cmq un metodo per usarlo l’ho trovato 😀

  23. » Zattoo - molte novità - Video Monte Ceneri Says:

    […] [fonte] [fonte] The Zattoo – molte novità by Luca Palli, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed […]

  24. Francesco Says:

    mah caro luca non credo proprio che ci sia interesse…se ci fosse stato veramente credo che cmq da qualche parte sarebbe citata la cosa…cmq per conto mio ormai o esce o no in italia non m’interessa più…xkè io vedo direttamente dalla mia bella casa zattoo 😀 mo dite ai programmatori che ci metteno una pezza 😀 e questa è la prima cosa…seconda cosa se dovesse uscire prima o poi in un lontato futuro una versione italiana sarebbe una versione mozzata come tutte le altre d’altronde…solo in svizzera vedono tutti i canali…poi per ogni nazione vedono i canali locali…quindi per la povera alessandra anche se dovesse uscire zattoo by italy il basket spagnolo non lo vedrebbe cmq…popolo italiano 1 zattoo 0 :DDDDDDD

    ormai il mio motto è: NO MERCY

  25. alessandra Says:

    visto ke lo vedi dalla tua bella casa,perchè non lo dici a tutti come fai? Non ti preoccupare,anche se non ho zattoo il basket lo vedo lo stesso ti avevo detto che ho tovato un modo,no? Il mio motto invece è CHI NON CI VUOLE NON CI MERITA quindi se zattoo non vuole l’Italia l’Italia gli dice CIAO

  26. chris banach Says:


    i’m a french national expatriated in USA (Florida), and i’m really interested by your offer, because Comcast cable doesn’t offer any french channel in their line-up.

    I see you offer France2, for example, which is a french channel.

    I’ve tried to sign-up but it says you don’t offer your service here in USA yet.

    I don’t get it. Your company is in San Francisco, and you offer a service only in Switzerland ? What’s the point ??? French channels are already available in Swizerland …

    There’s approximately 2 millions french-speaking residents in USA alone, and unfortunately no way to “keep-in-touch” with french tv programs, besides the awful and boring “TV5” french international channel.

    My point is you have here the opportunity to make a great business. I’m the spokesman of the association of french expatriates in Florida, and believe me, most of us would kill to watch french programs (same problem in California). A monthly fee of $29 wouldn’t scare us as long as we could watch great french tv programs like those on France2, TF1 or M6.

    Can you explain what’s the purpose of your website if it’s not allowing to watch TV exactly from anywhere in the world. Your customers will be people on vacation or expatriated. If you don’t quickly extend your p2p infrastructure to the whole world, I’m afraid your business model will fail, which would be a shame, given how great is your idea.

    Keep me posted,

    Christophe Banach

  27. Francesco Says:

    guarda il metodo che ho trovato io…o meglio che già ho provato vario tempo fa…prima di fare una vacanzina in svizzera…è pure descritto sul sito di Monte Ceneri (trova l’indirizzo su questi post) vedi nelle sue pagine e lo trovi…ovviamente è a pagamento…

  28. oliver Says:

    when i can get zatto in thailand ???


  29. sultan Says:

    salut est ce que on peu parler en français
    alors moi je suis un expatrié au canada
    Au canada y’a pas zattoo du moin pour l”instant
    Si par exemple on demande a un ami ou de la famille de s’incrire et d,avoir un login et un mot de passe pour zattoo
    ensuite pourrais je prendre son login son mot de passe
    et ensuite utilisé zattoo ici au canada.

  30. sultan Says:

    j’ai oublier de la famille ou un ami en France

  31. sultan Says:

    Christophe Banach puisse que tu es Français lit mon post et essaye ça
    je ne vois pas d’autre solution du moin pour l’instant sinon va voir ce site
    mais je n’ai pas testé

  32. Red Says:

    That’s good news ^^

    I really hope you’re gonna add SF 2 and SF 1 channel to the channel list. Because i’m Swiss but leaving in France and I Have no way to get theses channels.

    Thanks for reading me.


  33. Antiparras Says:

    And a very important question. How about to see channels from other countries? I’m Spanish, but I’m living in Norway right now and would be great if I’ll be able to see the Spanish channels from here! But no, when I click on ‘Sign Up’, it says that my country is not in the list.

    I don’t want to see the Norwegian channels, I already have them on the TV, I want to see the Spanish channels! Because it’s impossible to see them here, even if you have satellite TV!

    Please, take that in consideration because I think it’s very useful for the people that are not in their original countries!

    Thanks in advance!

  34. Peter Says:


    the idea is great but if expats cannot access programs from their home country whats the point – local tv is allready available

  35. Andrea Says:

    Zattoo 4 italian users, please!

  36. alessandra Says:

    andrea sta tranquillo che prima che zattoo arrivi in italia dovrà nevicare in agosto…..dipende che tipo di canali cerchi ci sono delle altre buonissime alternative io pensavo che senza zattoo non avrei mai potuto trovare i canali spagnoli che tanto mi interessano,invece sono riuscita a trovare delle eccezionali alternative gratuite dipende,ripeto, i canali che ti servono

  37. stephan Says:

    when Zattoo coming to Thailand???You mention there will be in some asian countries we hope in Thailand too:)

  38. Naim Says:

    Thanks for the 2 Belgian Channels, it’s very much appreciated, and we hope there are more to come (belgian channels and other country’s)…

    Continue the good job…

  39. Madsen Says:

    Thx a gazillion for the new added channels! Appreciated 🙂

    Madsen, Denmark!

  40. manu Says:


    What about Canada???
    I don’t need canadian channels but at least swiss channels in Canada!!!


  41. m.carmen cortes martin Says:

    hola soy española y resido en u.k me gustaria mucho vre la televicion de mi pais esto me haria sentir mas cerca de mi pueblo muchas gracias a todas las personas que dia adia coopera para que esto pueda suceder pronto gracias especialmente a todos los trabajadores de zattoo y desde escocia les deseo mucha suerte

  42. frangiamone vincenzo Says:

    je voudrais savoir comme on peut regarder la television rtb rtl tvi fr1 fr2 aide moi svp aide moi merci beacoup

  43. Claude Says:

    When Zattoo’s coming to Thailand ?
    I am a Swiss Expat and would like
    to get even only the Swiss Programm !!!
    Do you need a “Tester” ? Will be great if I can
    try your product here in Thailand 🙂

  44. Adriano Says:

    Ich finde es echt gut, dass ihr Mediaset habt!


    Belgien sieht Zattoo und Italien die unsere Nachbarn sind bekommt es nicht? Könnt ihr auf eure Website schreiben wenn oder wieso Italien nicht auf der Liste ist?

    Danke, Grüsse aus dem Tessin!

  45. Helen Says:

    @Adriano: the magic word is “rights”. That’s the reason for Zattoo not being available in Italy yet. As long as we don’t have the right to retransmit in Italy we won’t do so. We wanna be the good guys, Scout’s Honor and Brownie points and all that. Fact is that it’s a lot easier to get the rights in some countries than in others. But we’re working on getting there in Italy as well, just as we are working on Austria, France, Poland, the Uk … you name it, we got it on the list.

    By the way, Claude and stephan, if you put your name on the waiting list for Thailand, you’ll be among the first to get an invite when we open there. Don’t miss it!

  46. Scully74 Says:

    Per tutti gli italiani…ma perche’ non date un occhio a questo dovrebbe aiutarvi

  47. » Zattoo - beaucoup de nouvelles - Video Monte Ceneri Says:

    […] [source] […]

  48. Marco Says:

    Hi..tks for this wonderful software…
    when can I use zattoo in the Netherlands?


  49. Frederic lemeille Says:

    I know this is crazy but I urgently need to get in touch with Christophe Banach who wrote to you Sept 24th. He’s a good friend who’s numericable old email address does not work anymore. Would you be so kind to send him this mail and my address so that he can mail me back ?
    Thank you so much

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